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"A great work

of art will teach

you something

you didn’t know

about yourself."

I founded PWAA after 20 years working in the art business. Above all, I am an art lover. I feel that art is essential to the human experience; it connects us to the things in life that have meaning. Buying art is a journey of self-discovery and enlightening experiences. As an art advisor, it is a profound pleasure to help others find the art that moves them.


I studied Fine Art and Art History at Indiana University with the intention of becoming a painter.  I found very quickly that my great talent was not painting, but bringing people to art. From this, I developed a deep respect for those who create. During my years as a gallery director, I became a student of the business. I developed close, personal relationships with clients while facilitating acquisitions, supported the advancement of artist’s careers and implemented a rigorous gallery exhibition schedule. The culmination of these experiences has prepared me to advise with great depth of knowledge.


The art world has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. The proliferation of information on the internet has created infinitely more options, which has made buying art more complex. My mission is to partner with my clients to provide unbiased, professional advice to navigate the art world with guidance and expertise. 

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